Hello stranger, welcome to my garden. I'm a product engineer, writing about how to be a human in a computer world. I study knowledge production and the narrative arts. Eventually, I'll start publishing some of my speculative web fiction series.

Scroll on through my digital garden. And if you're feeling ephemeral or short of breath, explore my project graveyard.

  1. Sep 2023
    Counting Ghosts
    A case for abandoning web analytics
  2. Aug 2023
    When writing about Ideas: hold them up like a wick lit by recent inspiration, observe their colors in the flame. They often snuff out in a moment's breath. Usually though, they smolder on down to my fingertips, just long enough to hurt. Occassionally, I catch fire. My body ignites and burns for days. I always re-form though around the shape of myself, a little bit changed. Rarely—and I may not even notice—the idea becomes something else entirely, a compressed part of me that continues to transmute energy, just beginning to spin. A different kind of fire.
    When writing about Ideas: hold them up like a wick lit by recent inspiration, observe their colors in the flame. They often snuff out in a moment's breath. Usually though, they smolder on down to my fingertips, just long enough to hurt. Occassionally, I catch fire. My body ignites and burns for days. I always re-form though around the shape of myself, a little bit changed. Rarely—and I may not even notice—the idea becomes something else entirely, a compressed part of me that continues to transmute energy, just beginning to spin. A different kind of fire.
  3. July 2023
    I haven't published in a while; I'm updating my site to break that residual pattern.
    I haven't published in a while; I'm updating my site to break that residual pattern.
  4. Jan 2022
    Software as a mod on awareness
  5. Apr 2021
    Origins of Agile in Japanese Stone Masonry
    Where utility ends and beauty begins
  6. Oct 2020
    The Aquarius Memo
    A 100-year framework for investing in knowledge (to avoid climate disaster)
  7. June 2020
    How Programming Shapes the Mind
    On logic, empathy, and the unknown
  8. Oct 2019
    Finally, I Closed My LinkedIn
    Ruminations on outsourcing our values
  9. May 2019
    Debugging Your Art
    What I do when I'm stuck
  10. Mar 2019
    Roll Your Own Analytics
    How to build a free, privacy-focused alternative to Google Analytics